Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Validation of Independent Component Analysis for Rapid Spike Sorting of Optical Recording Data

Hill, E.S., Moore-Kochlacs, C., Vasireddi, S.K., Sejnowski, T.J., Frost, W.N. (2010). Validation of Independent Component Analysis for Rapid Spike Sorting of Optical Recording Data. J Neurophysiol 104: 3721-3731.

So same basic idea, use ICA to extract components from optical data. This is pretty impressive because these are fast VSDs and they are looking at spike trains. It works really well for this, thats pretty much all there is to say. Spikes are ideally suited for ICA because of their sparse nature.

One thing they did was concatenate multiple optical files and ran ICA to get the same neurons across trials. This could work for me, but would have to realign the images for each trial.

Low and hi-pass filters help. More data helps.

One thing to extend this work would be to validate ICA not just for spike traces, but also for sub-threshold changes in the membrane potential.

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