Friday, November 2, 2012

ART thoughts

Ok, so now that I've gone through half this paper in detail, it seems that the rest of it is more or less just a conceptual model of different meso-brain circuits. It feels that he explains a lot of data with his model, but some times its like he's just fitting his model to all data, because it has so many parameters. 

Not to say that I don't think he has very good ideas, but they don't seem to be developed on a functional level. SMART seems to just be like here's what we know about the anatomy of early visual areas, and magic magic ART. 

I think that we need to explore the mathematical details of his ideas. He talks about using resonances to make a learning system, but I'm just not really sure if he ever actually does it. I guess I need to look at SMART in more detail. 

Part of what I think is missing is actually showing how ART can solve a learning problem. He makes lots of claims about data, but doesn't really explain what it means. It would be nice to see a ART model that can actually be used for learning something and how it works.

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